Tori Larett
Tori Larett (she/her) joined McGeorge Community Legal Services in 2022. Prior to joining the Buccola Family Homeless Advocacy Clinic, Tori was a staff attorney at the Homeless Action Center in Oakland, California, where she represented unhoused individuals with dual-diagnoses in their applications for public benefits. Tori was also an Equal Justice Works Fellow at the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area. There, she provided barrier free direct services to unhoused individuals, led local policy advocacy to change San Francisco’s towing policies, and litigated cases to protect the civil rights of unhoused and low-income people. She managed the claims application and distribution processes for the class action lawsuit, Sanchez v. Caltrans, resulting in over $1 million in damages distributed to unhoused and formerly unhoused individuals whose property was illegally destroyed by the California Department of Transportation.
As a staff attorney with the Homeless Advocacy Clinic, Tori represents clients and supervises clinical law students. She is a 2019 graduate of Berkeley Law and an active member of the California Bar.
BA, Vassar College
JD, University of California, Berkeley